The Regional Centers of California
Regional centers are nonprofit private corporations that contract with the Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities.
DDS oversees the coordination and delivery of services for Californians with developmental disabilities through a statewide network of 21 community-based, non-profit agencies known as regional centers. These regional centers develop, purchase and manage services for individuals and their families.
Direct Information below:
Regional Center Listings by County in California
- Regional Center of Orange County
- North Los Angeles Regional Center
- Valley Mountain Regional Center
- Harbor Regional Center
- South Central Los Angeles Regional Center
- San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center
- Inland Regional Center
- Alta California Regional Center
- Central Valley Regional Center
- Far Northern Regional Center
- Franklin D Lanterman Regional Center
- Golden Gate Regional Center
- Kern Regional Center
- North Bay Regional Center
- Redwood Coast Regional Center
- Regional Center of the East Bay
- San Andreas Regional Center
- San Diego Regional Center
- Tri-Counties Regional Center
- Westside Regional Center
- East Los Angeles Regional Center
The California Department of Developmental Services is a state agency of California, headquartered in downtown Sacramento. Under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, this agency provides, thought California, services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. DDS ensures that Californians with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to lead independent, productive lives in their community of choice.
These disabilities include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and related conditions, among others. Services to over 350,000 individuals, are provided through state-operated developmental centers and community facilities, and contracts with 21 nonprofit regional centers. The regional centers serve as a local resource to help find and access the services and supports available to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
- The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, known as the “Lanterman Act,” is an important piece of legislation that was passed in 1969. This is the California law that says people with developmental disabilities and their families have a right to get the services and supports they need to live like people without disabilities.
Click on the following links to access the full text of:
- Lanterman Act and Related Laws
- Lanterman Act (client-friendly version)
- Rights Under the Lanterman Act (written by Disability Rights California)
This law gives people with developmental disabilities the right to services so they can live an independent and normal life.
This publication tells you about the Lanterman Act. This law gives people with developmental disabilities the right to services so they can live an independent and normal life. This publication tells you about regional center services. It tells you how to get the services. It tells you what to do if you do not agree with the regional center.
What is the Lanterman Act?
The Lanterman Act is the California law that gives people with developmental disabilities the right to the services and supports they need to live a more independent and normal life. The Act is part of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, starting at § 4500 – § 4905. If you want to read the Lanterman Act, please click in here :
California Special Education Local Plan Areas - SELPA
What is a SELPA?
In 1974, the California State Board of Education adopted the California Master Plan for Special Education. This statewide plan to equalize educational opportunities outlined the process of developing a quality educational program for the disabled students of California.
The Master Plan required that all school districts and County Offices of Education (referred to as Local Educational Agencies, or LEAs) join together in geographical regions in order to develop a regional special education service delivery system. A region might be a group of many small districts or a large single district, but each region must be of sufficient size and scope to provide the full continuum of services for children and youth residing within the region boundaries.
The service regions were named Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs). There are now approximately 135 SELPAs carrying out the spirit and mandate of the California Master Plan for Special Education.
SELPA and its governance structure are under Section 56205, 56206, 56208, 56211, 56213, 56241, 56243, 56244, & 56245 of the Education Code. Click to seach for the Educ Code in California
SELPAs are dedicated to the belief that all students can learn and that special needs students must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of society. SELPAs facilitate high quality educational programs and services for special needs students and training for parents and educators. The SELPA collaborates with county agencies and school districts to develop and maintain healthy and enriching environments in which special needs students and families can live and succeed.
These laws and regulations promote changes and procedures leading to such things as the following:
- Accountability
- Annual Reviews of Progress
- California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) Reporting
- Career Training
- Community Involvement and Support
- Compliance Reviews
- Coordination of Resources Among Districts by Regions
- Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) Assessment and Data Reporting
- Due Process Rights
- Educational Benefit
- Full Service to All Students with Disabilities
- Guaranteed Equality of Access
- Improved Self-Esteem for Children with Disabilities
- Increased Parent Participation
- Individualized Educational Programs (IEP)
- Less Restrictive Placements (LRE)
- Local Governance Systems
- Program Evaluation
- Quality Program Reviews
- Social Acceptance of Children with Disabilities
- Staff Development Programs
- State Performance Plan Indicator Data Collection
- Transition from School to Post-Secondary Education and Employment
Click here to contact your SELPA Director in your Area
The California Department of Education: Special Education
Provides information and resources to serve the unique needs of individuals with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and non-academic skills.
The Special Education Division is part of the Opportunities for All Branch.
Special Education
Information and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and nonacademic skills.
Quality Assurance Process
Offer resources to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities while ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
Complaint Support Unit
Provides technical assistance information and resources for parents, school districts, advocates, agencies and others of procedural safeguards regarding students between ages 3 and 21 with disabilities and their educational rights.
- Toll-free Help Line: 800-926-0648; Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Videophone Line: 916-374-7182 (deaf/hard of hearing); Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Email: speceducation@cde.ca.gov
- Fax: (916) 327-3704
California Department of Education
California Department of Education oversee the state's diverse public school system, which is responsible for the education of more than six million children and young adults in more than 10,000 schools with 295,000 teachers. This deparment is in charge of enforcing education law and regulations and continuing to reform and improve public school programs.
What are the Common Core Standards?
The educational standards describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. In California, the State Board of Education decides on the standards for all students, from kindergarten through high school. Since 2010, a number of states across the nation have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
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Public Counsel is the largest pro bono law firm in the nation. They work with major law firms and corporations to change people's futures. They are located in Los Angeles, California.
Founded in 1970, Public Counsel strives to achieve three main goals: protecting the legal rights of disadvantaged children; representing immigrants who have been the victims of torture, persecution, domestic violence, trafficking, and other crimes; and fostering economic justice by providing individuals and institutions in underserved communities with access to quality legal representation.
Through a pro bono model that leverages the talents and dedication of thousands of attorney and law student volunteers, Public Counsel annually assists more than 30,000 families, children, immigrants veterans, and nonprofit organizations and addresses systemic poverty and civil rights issues through impact litigation and policy advocacy.
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